Monday, October 16, 2006


Hi everyone! I know it's been a long time and many of you are wondering what happened to Chris, especially since my bombshell a few months ago. Well, it's been a crazy few months since I disappeared from church and I'd like to let everyone know what's going on.

Sometimes a step away and a view in from the outside is required to gain a better understanding of the truth. Sometimes we need to leave the cave of traditional Christian dogma to let our spiritual eyes begin to develop in the light of reality. True, I regret my sudden proclamation and departure and wish that I didn't alienate myself from the people who care about me, but it gave me a greater insight into the character of Christianity.

Right now I don't claim to have many answers, but I can honestly say that the love of the church is a huge testament to some sort of Spiritual presence in the lives of Christians, and I think it's the spirit of Jesus. Now, I'm far from believing that the Bible is the "inerrant Word of God" as many conservative Christians claim, but I think it reveals many truths and does not necessarily need to be considered as a cohesive, perfect entity in order to please God (however you define him).

Anyway, I'm keeping this short because I have a lot of homework to finish tonight. I'll follow up in the next few weeks with some insights I've gained over the last few months. I really do appreciate all of the prayer and support and I wish you all peace as you continue with school and work.


Rach said...

I can´t wait to talk about this!!!!! When I visit slo, lets hang out!!!! Coffee is a must! Chao b-dub!

beckalippy said...

Hey Chris,
Yeah we met in Uptown one night about 3 years ago, bueno. I just wanted to say that you have been and are in my prayers. And even with all the crap that has gone on, God is good and faithful to complete that work He started in us.
Dios te bendiga,