Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm well on my way to a quarter-life crisis. I turn 23 in less than two weeks and I still don't know what I'm doing with my life. And frankly, 23 is the first year that really sounds old to me. No longer a kid. Responsibility of life starting to settle in. I know, people are doing things such as graduating from college and getting married when they're 35 these days, but it's still pretty crazy to think that I'm becoming an adult. A grown man. This is the time of life in more than a few movies when the protaganist moves to the city, gets a lucrative job with an insurance company, and frequents the sexy singles bars.

Of course that's not my destiny, but it's wild to think that I'm now older than 80% of college students and I still have 2 years left. But life is good here. And a number of my friends will likely outlast me in SLO, which is quite comforting! I won't be here by myself, hoping to maintain a minimal social life. And my church will always be here. That body has made San Luis Obispo home for me, and when I spend more than a week away I'm ready to come back and be with the people I've truly grown up with over the last four years.


Rach said... old...welcome to my world Chris; a world of hair dye and liquid meals. ;-) totally kidding. It was weird for me to turn 23 also..don't know why really..just was. I'm right there with you in you quarter life crisis my friend.

Chris Shotwell said...

Thanks Rach :-)